Apr 27

When a bankruptcy judge hit Bank of America with a $46 million award last year — and then sidestepped U.S. Supreme Court precedent limiting punitive damages by sending most of that money to third parties — he may have set an example that read more
Apr 27

The bankruptcy trust of Old GM has reached a settlement over legacy ignition switch lawsuits that could cost the reorganized New GM $1 billion if it’s approved by the New York bankruptcy court overseeing the case. read more
Apr 27

Saying that bankrupt solar panel maker Suniva Inc. has no plan or prospect for restructuring, a second major creditor is eyeing a collateral sale, seeking approval late Thursday to sell $8 million worth of Suniva equipment and intellectual property l read more
Apr 27

If the U.S. Supreme Court holds in Lagos v. United States that companies are able to seek restitution from criminal defendants when they are the victim of an offense, it will create another incentive to conduct internal investigations into misconduct read more
Apr 26

Objections to liability releases and disputed treatment of stock warrant holders prompted two new challenges Thursday to the confirmation of holding company Real Industry Inc.’s Delaware Chapter 11 plan. read more